Aspasia Nasopoulou


site specific installation & perfromance

Comission Oranjewoud Festival 2023
A new composition for Maat saxophone quartet and Natalia Alvarez-Arenas Arias & Agostinho Sequeira percussion


27th May was the premiere of the site specific composition of 30 minutes perfrormance for saxophone quartet and and two percussionists.
A composition inspired by the history of the landscape and the surrundings of Bervedere Museum.
A reflection on time and and exprience of the natural space via time.
Connecting with the landscape outward and inward and finally experience that natural time.

Maat saxophone quartet
Natalia Alvarez-Arenas Arias & Agostinho Sequeira percussion
Ernst Dullemond, design

Oranjewoud Festival 27th and 28th of May 2023
photos, Lucas Kemper
