Aspasia Nasopoulou


  • JoHaKyu / 2015 / for two violins / 5 min

  • Semantron

    Semantron / 2022 /site specific composition for two percussionists and saxophone quartet / 30 min

    Comission Oranjewoud Festival

  • Salamander

    Salamander / 2019 / for two harpists-singers / 15min
    Composed for Duo Bilitis
    Co-composition with Floris van der Vlugt and Anthony Leigh Dunstan


  • D-R-T

    D-R-T / 2020 / for pno, vln, vlc,perc, gtr,,tenor and baritone / 17 min
    Commission by National Greek Opera.

  • Dreamland

    Dreamland/ 2022/ for harp and mezzo soprano/ 8 min
    Composed for Michela Amici & Georgia Burashko
    Commission, De Link

  • Dans voor Orpheus van Amsterdam

    Dans voor Orpheus van Amsterdam / 2021/ for recorders quartet (feat.voice)/ 5 min
    Commission by NTR

  • Aqua

    Aqua / 2016-2018 / for bassoon, percussion & animation /
    for Bram van Sambeek & Marijn Korff de Gidts /
    (animation, students from the art academy AKV|St. Joost, Breda)
    10:30 min
    watch & listen

  • Aria Dorilla

    Aria Dorilla / 2020 / for soprano, vln, cl, vlc / 5 min
    Part of Arianna opera.World Opera Lab

  • Anapolisis

    Anapolisis/ 2021/ for, vlc, pno and baritone/ 8 min

    arrang from D-R-T

  • Plenitude / 2019 / for fortepiano and bariton voice / 4:30 / Supported by FPK

  • Takuu

    Takuu / the sinking island / 2018 / for violin, cello, c.b. piano, hrn, b.clarinet and percussion / 8min
    Commission Greek Modern Ensemble

  • Falling / 2018 / for two violins / for the dance performance Ikaros /
    14 min

  • Fluid / 2018 / for two violins / for the dance performance Ikaros /
    8 min

  • The lot of Love II

    The lot of Love II / 2017 / for violin, piano and soprano /
    poetry, W.B. Yeats / 15 min /
    Commission by the Duo FrArte

  • Ven salta / 2017 / cycle of 11 crossover pieces for piano, percussion, ud & voice / poetry by female poets from the Mediterranean area/
    60 min/ for the opening of the 48th Festival Poetry International Rotterdam

  • Enigma of love

    Enigma of love / 2017 / for fortepiano & glass harmonica / for Michael Tsalka & James Denis / 4 min / Supported by FPK

  • Ten Dipoles / 2016 / for recorder quintet and Ten Free Aerophones (Horst Rickels & Ernst Dullemond) / 30 min / Commission by Seldom Sene / Supported by FPK

    WATCH 'Square-Oblong'

  • Een Zwarte Steen in de Zee

    Een Zwarte Steen in de Zee / 2016 / for piano, saxophone & djembe / 5 min /
    Supported by FPK & Nieuw Geneco

  • Four Miniatures

    Four Miniatures / 2016 / for basset recorder, bass recorder and baritone / text Praxila / 5 min /
    Private commission via Compose4you

  • Sofia / 2015 / for organ, soprano and violin / 13 min /
    Commission by Schreck Ensemble

  • Nachtwerk / 2014 / for string quartet & narrator / on seven poems by Micha Hamel
    22 min / Commission by DoelenKwartet / Supported by FPK

  • Nanourisma / 2014 / for piano flute & bassoon / 6 min
    1st Jury prize and Public prize, Keuris Componisten Concours 2014

  • Five Single breaths

    Five Single breaths / 2013 / for accordion and Japanese sho /
    for Claudio Jacomucci & Naomi Sato / 15 min / Supported by FPK

  • In the forest of the lunar grapefruits

    In the forest of the lunar grapefruits / 2013 / for accordion and soprano / poetry F.G. Lorca / 12 min / Supported by FPK

  • Perivoli / 2013 / for string quartet and accordion / 8min /
    Supported by FPK

  • Serenade / 2013 / for two recorders, accordion and harp / poetry Micha Hamel / 7 min

  • Andria / 2012 / for piano duo Macle / based on Italo Calvino's story from the Invisible Cities book / 6 min /

    Extract , Tobias Borsboom & Yukiko Hasikawa live in Orgelpark 2021

  • Lelia Doura / 2012 / for Seldom Sene Recorder Quintet / based on cantigas d’amigo / 6 min / Incentive price from MCN & Donemus Composition Competition 2012

  • If you love me & Inamorata for recorders duo / 2012 / based on cantigas d’amigo / 6 min

  • Vigo

    Vigo / 2012 / for recorders trio / based on cantigas d’amigo / 3:30 min

  • New Kite / 2012 / for accordion and piano / based on traditional Japanese Haiku/ 6 min
    Commission by Timo Kinnunen & Ana Veismane

  • Three Love Haikus / 2010 / for perc, violoncello & video / poetry Vasilis Kouris / 9 min
    Commission by Konstantinos & Alexandros Botinis

  • The cloths of Heaven / 2009 / for recorder, trumpet & electronics / in collaboration Jesse Broekman / poetry W.B. Yeats / 11 min / Commission by Sava Stoianov & Miako Klein

  • Instant / 2009 / for violoncello, soprano saxophone and dance video / 11 min

  • HemiAeroPartitura / 2008 / for two recorders and soprano / poetry Oscar Hahn / 23 min / Commission by Aerodynamic Trio

  • Psidra

    Psidra / 2007 / for fl, vib and / in Co-composing with Andre Douw / 6 min

  • Here and there

    Here and there / 2007 / for piano, violoncello and alto saxophone /
    inspired by “For a little white seashell” by M. Xatzidakis / 7 min
    Commission by the Greek Consulate in Rotterdam

  • Eternal Light / 2006 / for string quartet, double bass, flute, piano, percussion and mezzo soprano / poetry, Dante /
    12 min / commission by the Greek Modern Ensemble

  • One/Hitotsu

    One/Hitotsu / 2006 / for Japanese Sho and soprano / poetry Dan Albertson / 6 min

  • Teiresias Kadmos

    Teiresias Kadmos / 2006 / for recorder and guitar / text Euripides / 12 min /
    Commission by Duo Bosgraaf & Elias

  • Ballades I-III / 2005 / for medieval recorder, viola d’arco & mezzo soprano / poetry, Christine de Pizan (1363-1430) / 8 min / Commission by Grand Désir ensemble

  • Chromata Laleonta / 2003 / for chamber orchestra & Javanese Gamelan instruments / 7 min

  • Merose / 2003 / vl, vla, vlc, db, fl, ob, cl, gtr hrp, mand & perc / Nieuw Ensemble / 12 min

  • Narkissos and Echo

    Narkissos and Echo / 2003 / for panflute, guitar, violoncello and marimba / 10 min

  • 10+ Tessera / 2002 / for vibraphone with 4 bows and piano / 12 min / Commission by Kostas Theodorakos

  • Aenaos Kyklos

    Aenaos Kyklos / 2001 / for piano violin and cello / seven variations on a theme of N. Drelas / 10 min

  • Rencontre / 1999 / for piano and soprano saxophone / For Peter Massink / 8 min

  • Journey

    Journey /1998 / for small chamber orchestra / 8 min

  • Concerto

    Concerto / 2000 / for piano and orchestra / 20 min

  • Childlike Saturdays

    Childlike Saturdays / 2000 / for orchestra / 10 min