Aspasia Nasopoulou

About me



Aspasia Nasopoulou is composer, pianist and curator, born in Athens.Her work has a poetic, evocative and dynamic transparency. It is inspired by literature, mythology and philosophy from different cultures. In her over more than ninety compositions she is frequently exploring the synergy between music and theater by integrating new instruments, visuals and dance.


Curriculum vitae

  • 2021-present // Artistic Director Orkest De Ereprijs

    In december 2020 she appointed as the new artistic director of het Orkest De Ereprijs.

  • 2019-present // Curator/programer Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam concert series

    Co-curating with Fie Schouten the contemporary chamber music series at Plein Theater

  • 2016 – 2020 // Initiator of the residency for composers, Composer’s Treat

    Buitenwerkplaats, Starnmeerdijk
    Hosted by Cultureland Stichting

    Composer's treat


“In her music I hear occasional echoes of her Greek background and a feel for energy and sonority that, at one extreme, is not so far from Xenakis; but she also has a lyrical gift and a feel for instrumental possibilities that is quite distinctive.“

Bob Gilmore, 2010

“Het mystieke werk van de Grieks Nederlandse Aspasia Nasopoulou komt regelrecht uit de ziel. Zij schrijft melodisch en maakt inventief gebruik van hedendaagse technieken en klankkleuren. Haar muziek is eerder sereen dan expressionistisch. Net als componisten Bach en Pärt stijgen de noten van Aspasia als het ware boven het menselijk lijden uit.“

Esther Gottschalk